Customers & Vehicles

Frequently Asked Questions on Customers & Vehicles

fcv1 - How can I sort customers by name or customer number?
Customer information on the customer list can be sorted as follows:
Thu, 16 Feb, 2017 at 7:00 PM
fcv2 - I merged a customer and their entry has disappeared in MechanicDesk?
This is commonly due to a mix up when performing the merge. If customer (or vehicle) A is merged into B, the database entry for B will now contain all infor...
Thu, 16 Feb, 2017 at 7:12 PM
fcv3 - Will the files uploaded to the vehicle be mixed up with the ones uploaded to the customer?
Files uploaded and attached to vehicles cannot be mixed up with the ones attached to customers, irrespective of how many vehicles the customer has. The 2 fi...
Thu, 16 Feb, 2017 at 7:15 PM
fcv4 - How do I mass deliver statements to customers?
You can mass deliver statements to customers via the Customer Statement Report screen
Sat, 18 Feb, 2017 at 9:25 PM