Getting Started

For those new to MechanicDesk, we prepared the following steps to help you get started as quickly and as smoothly as possible!

Step 1: Basic workshop setup
Welcome to MechanicDesk! This series of guides is designed to help get you set up and get started MechanicDesk as smoothly and as quickly as p...
Mon, 20 Feb, 2017 at 2:54 PM
Step 2: Advanced workshop setup
Now that we've setup some basic information for the workshop, lets dive into some more advanced settings.  (a) You can now choose an invoice templat...
Sat, 18 Feb, 2017 at 10:10 PM
Step 3: Setting up Service Attributes
Service Item is the term used by MechanicDesk to describe the workshop's industry. For example automobiles, boats, buses, trucks, etc. It could even be ...
Sat, 18 Feb, 2017 at 10:24 PM
Step 4: Some miscellaneous settings
There are some other settings that can be set in MechanicDesk to alter how MechanicDesk behaves. These settings can be found in the Settings >> Worksh...
Mon, 20 Feb, 2017 at 9:11 AM
Step 5: Creating your first job
You can Create New Job from the "+ New..." Action from the top right menu or "Create Job" button on the Current Jobs page as well a...
Mon, 20 Feb, 2017 at 10:21 AM
Step 6: Managing the Job - Invoicing and payment processing
When you open a job, you will find the job's check sheet section on the left and the Invoice section on the right.  The check sheet helps you kee...
Mon, 20 Feb, 2017 at 2:56 PM
Step 7: Finishing the Job
Once a job is complete, there are a few actions to take to finish the job. (a) Close off the job and mark it as finished. You can specify some fi...
Mon, 20 Feb, 2017 at 11:00 AM